Seeking BETA testers: Get your own address! 💌


The initial service I used to for the email forwarding proved to be extremely unreliable. While it had a nice API so I could create accounts automatically, that doesn’t matter when emails aren’t being delivered.

So today I rebuilt the forwarding service from scratch. I opted to use one of the mainstream email service providers who has a reputation for good deliverability and that supports forwarding: Mailgun.

:green_heart: Pros:

  • Excellent deliverability :email:
  • I can offer my own SMTP server for you to use in case you’d like to send emails from your address :writing_hand:

:no_entry: Cons:

  • Less privacy focused than ForwardMX (I can access logs of meta-data for a few days) :eyes:
  • Can quickly get very expensive :money_with_wings:
  • Makes me more vulnerable to abuse :warning:

To mitigate the last two points, I might choose to limit who can sign up for an address in the future—perhaps only those who are active in the community.

And since I’m paying for the volume of emails sent and received, from now on these email addresses should primarily be used for personal purposes—i.e. an email you give out to real people, not mass mailing lists.

Note: if you already generated an email address and want to start sending via my SMTP server, just PM me!

Hope you guys enjoy the service, and please don’t abuse it! :pray:

Logging policy:
Meta data about forwarded (received) and sent emails will be kept for 5 days. This includes information about the sender and receiver, as well as the subject line. All data is kept within the EU.